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Edgar Cayce: profeti i Atlantides… dhe i shume te tjerave

Lindi ne Hopkinsville, ne Kentucky, me 18 mars te 1877  dhe ishte nje person shume i thjeshte dhe si zanat kishte fotografine. U be gati rastesisht fallxhori apo parashikuesi i fatit me i famshem ne Amerike. Ne moshe te re – ishte vetme 23 vjeç – u godit nga nje forme e çuditshme ngjirje zeri qe asnje mjek nuk arriti ta kuronte, dhe zeri i tij u shnderrua ne nje peshperitje te dobet. Gjithsesi, kishte prej disa kohesh qe jepte prova qe ishte ne qender te disa fenomeneve gati te pashpjegueshem: nese flinte me koken mbi liber, kur zgjohej dinte ne menyre perfekte permbajtjen e tij.
Mbi bazen e ketyre fenomeneve te pashpjegueshem, u shty nga vete familjaret e tij qe te provonte rrugen e autohipnozes, per te shpjeguar – te pakten – te gjitha dyshimet mbi origjinen psikologjike te semundjes se tij te zerit. Rruga e autohipnozes, i hapi Cayce dyer qe asnjehere nuk mund te imagjinonte. Ndersa ishte nen hipnoze, zeri i kthehej normal por, ajo qe ishte e habitshme ishte se fillonte dhe fliste per argumenta qe nuk kishte patur kurre dijeni. Dhe keshtu, ne nje prej ketyre autohipnozave, Cayce autogiagnostikoi arsyen e ngjirjes se zerit gati ne heshtje, duke e pershkruar me terma mjekesore, ne menyre kaq teknike saqe mund te kuptoheshin vetem nga nje specialist sektori, dhe permendi dhe ilaçet qe duheshin perdorur per ta sheruar. E kote te themi qe nga rizgjimi i gjendjes se autohipnozes, Cayce nuk mbante mend asgje, dhe aq me pak kuptonte – pasi i treguan ato qe kishte thene – fjalet qe kishte shprehur.
“Leximet” e Cayce
Kjo mpirje nga autohipnoza dhe aftesia te profetizonte ne kete gjendje, e bene te fitonte pseudonimin e “Profeti Gjumash”. Cayce vazhdoi te binte ne gjume 2 here ne dite per rreth 40 vjet. Ne çdonje prej ketyre, jepte ate qe mund te quhet nje “lexim” rreth jetes se atij qe e lexonte. Zgjidhjet e tij ishin gati gjithmone efikase, dhe njerez me kulture dhe moshe te ndryshme filluan te viheshin ne radhe per te konsultuar kete personazh kaq te veçante. “Leximet” e Cayce, filluan shpejt te vinin ne dukje nje aspekt interesant dhe te veçante. Ato nuk i referoheshin vetem semundjeve apo patologjive pak a shume te renda qe kishte personi i qe konsultohej, shume here Cayce diagnostikonte probleme te natyres psikologjike qe nuk ishin pasoje e traumave prezente apo te trasheguaran por i referoheshin jeteve te meparshme.

Disa nga profecite e Cayce
Edgar Cayce ne seancat e tij te shumta, ka thene nje mori profecishe qe megjithese jo te gjitha plotesisht te sakta, qendron gjithmone fakti qe nje numer shume i larte i tyre ka ndodhur tamam siç e kishte parashikuar ai. Tha qe mijera vjet me pare lumi Nil rridhte drejt perendimit, dhe ky lajm beri shume buje, por akoma me teper buje beri konfirmimi i disa gjeologeve te cilet pranuan ate qe Cayce kishte thene pa e patur idene. Ne seanca te tjera tha se populli misterioz i Esenve dikur kishte ndaluar ne zonat perreth Detit te Kuq, fakt ky qe aktualisht njihet boterisht me zbulimin, ne 1946, te rulave te famshem te Detit te Kuq (te njohur dhe si Doreshkrimet e Detit te Kuq). Cayce beri dhe parashikime ne fushen e politikes dhe parashikoi, me sukses, qe dy presidente te SHBA-ve nuk do te mbaronin mandatin e tyre kater-vjeçar: behet fjale padyshim per Kennedy dhe Roosvelt. PAtjeter qe mbetet nje dyshim i madh, si ka mundesi qe Cayce ne profecite e tij ishte teper i paqarte rreth lufterave boterore apo problemeve politike me te rendesishme? Disa shohin ne kete proven qe Cayce ishte thjesht nje njeri qe duhej te permbushte nje mision te caktuar nga kushedi cili popull apo qyteterim i humbur. Kushdo qofte e verteta, nuk mund te mohoet qe “leximet” e Cayce bene te lindte tendenca qe synon te shpjegoje ose provoje egzistencen e Atlantides, per shume kohe, ndoshta, e konsideruar si thjesht nje fantazi.
Jeta sipas Edgar Cayce
Sipas Cayce, shpirti i njeriut eshte i perjetshem dhe reinkarnohet (ri-misherohet, jeton serish pas vdekjes ne trup tjeter). Ne toke shpirtrat jetojne shume jete, me qellimin te permiresohen. Disa gjurme prej jeteve te shkuara, gjithsesi ngelen dhe jane ato qe Cayce zbulonte here pas here dhe, nepermjet ketij zbulimi arrinte ti jepte atij qe e konsultonte keshilla te çmuara se si te modelonte jeten aktuale. Ky koncept i jetes se Cayce, eshte ne themel te nje kerkimi qe merr shkas nga nje arkiv prej me shume se 2500 “lexime” te Cayce, te gjitha te shenuara dhe ruajtura me seriozitet. Ato perbejne dhe njefare referimi per te sheruar disa patologji te zbuluara nga Cayce dhe te sheruara ne menyre te jashtezakonshme. Rendesia e punes se Cayce, shkon gjithsesi me tej, shume me tej. Mjafton te reflektojme mbi nje pike te thjeshte: Cayce arrinte te lexonte ate nje shpirt kishte qene ne nje jete te meparshme, nepermjet ketyre “leximeve” eshte e mundur te rindertohet, duke e kompletuar me lidhjet e rastit nje histori e nje bote shume te lashte e pare dhe treguar, ndryshe nga te tjeret, nga deshmimtare okulare. Shume prej ketyre “leximeve” kane nxjerre ne drite aspekte te tmerreshme te jetes Romake dhe Greke, mbi te cilat nuk kishim dijeni, por qe pasuria e informacioneve te dores se pare te dhena nga Cayce qendron e gjitha ne zbulimet qe ai ben rreth kontinentit te humbur te Atlantides.
Me poshte keni 10 Profecite qe i perkasin shekullit te 21-te:
1. Do te shfaqet nje mjekesi e re, nje lloj sherimi transformues qe me bazen ne olizem dhe konsideron trupin si nje sistem energjie. Cdokush nga ne ka nje trup, nje mendje dhe nje shpirt te lidhur midis tyre. Mjekesia e re do ti integroje te treja keto, me trajtime fizike per te favorizuar sherimin e trupit, metoda per te transformuar sjelljet dhe emocionet, disiplinen dhe per te patur gjithmone parasysh idealet dhe qellimet shpirterore.
2. Intuita dhe kapacitetet psikike do te jene normale. Ne gjeneratat qe do te vijne individet do te kene nje lidhje direkte me boten shpirterore, ne nje menyre qe do te jete e mundur te aplikohet ajo lidhje praktikisht, ne jeten e perditeshme.
3. Shkenca dhe besimet fetare apo spiritualiteti nuk do te jene me te kunderta me njera-tjetren. KOnvergjenca e ketyre dy rrymave te medha te historise njerezore do te transformoje kulturen. “Kerkimi” dhe “iluminimi” do te behen aleate, duke bere te mundur nje shkence te botes shpirterore dhe nje kuptim ndryshe te shenjterise se botes materiale.
4. Do te ndodhin ndryshime gjeografike boterore dramatike, ndryshime te rendesishme do te perfshijne skema meteorologjike. Ne fakt eshte shume e mundur qe ajo qe Cayce ka pare ne shume nga “leximet” ne Profecite mbi Ndryshimet ne Toke, persa i perket Termeteve dhe Permbytjeve, mund ti referohemi faktikisht si nje ndryshim drastik ne fushen meteorologjike qe do te ndodhin ne shekullin e 21 dhe me tej.

5. Ne nivel boteror do te ndodhe njefare “Nivelimi” shoqeror. Ka mundesi qe ky te jete nje proces i veshtire, i dhimbshem dhe ndonjehere i dhunshem, por te domosdoshme sepse nuk mund te kete me kushte ku “…kemi nje menyre ndryshe vleresimi per punetoret neper fusha dhe nje tejter per punonjesin e bankes. “(3976-18)
6. Leadershipi ne skenen nderkombetare do te zhvendoset ne Lindje, madje ne qender te Kines. Kina nje dite do te behet zemra e Krishterimit dhe “Qyteterimi do te ece drejt perendimit – dhe serish Mongolia, nje popull i urryer, do te duhet te ngrihet serish.” (3976-15)
7. Zbulimet arkeologjike mbi qyteterimet antike do te modifikojne ne mneyre radikale historine tone njerezore. Perveç kesaj keto zbulime do te na tregojne se si paraardhesit tane antike kishin gjetur menyren per te integruar shkencen me spiritualitetin.
8.Vazhdimesia e jetes do te pranohet plotesisht si nje fakt i padiskutueshem. Vdekja nuk egziston – eshte vetem nje tranzicion nga nje gjendje ndergjegjie tek nje tjeter. Frika ndaj vdekjes nuk do te jete me ne qender te mendimeve njerezore.
9. Principi i unitetit do te behet shume i rendesishem per njerezit. Uniteti i Zotit do te udheheqe te gjitha besimet tradicionale, Uniteti i Energjise do te udheheqe shkencen, dhe Uniteti i te gjithe njerezimit do ti tregoje rrugen politikes.
10. Krishti do te shfaqet serish ne menyre te drejtperdrejte ne jeten tokesore. E ashtequajtura “Ardhja e Dyte” ndoshta nuk eshte e sakte, sepse ndergjegjia kristiane nuk na ka lene asnjehere. Cayce parashikon shfaqjen ne menyre fizike te shpirtit qe jetoi para 2000 vjetesh me pamjen e Jezusit. Nuk ka te dhena te sakta per kete, por kjo profeci shfaqet shume here ne “leximet” e Cayce.
Me poshte kemi bashkangjitur nje pjese te “leximeve” te tij, qe kane te bejne me Atlandited dhe Jezusin. Materiali eshte lene ne gjuhen origjinale (anglisht), ashtu siç eshte transkriptuar nga seanca e hipnozes se Edgar Cayce ne shtepine e tij ne Pinewood ne Lake Drive, Virginia Beach, Va., ne daten 29 Prill 1932, ne perputhje me kerkesen e personave te pranishem.
P R E S E N T: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor: Gladys Davis, Steno. Mildred Davis, Gray Salter, H. L. & L. B. Cayce.
Pyetje: Describe in more detail the causes and effects of the destruction of the part of Atlantis now the Sargasso sea.
Pergjigje: As there were those individuals that attempted to bring again to the mind of man more of those forces that are manifest by the closer association of the mental and spiritual, or the soul forces that were more and more as individual and personal forms in the world, the use of the these elements – as for the building up, or the passage of individuals through space – brought the uses of the gases then (in the existent forces), and the individuals being able to become the elements, and elementals themselves, added to that used in the form of what is at present known as the raising of the powers from the sun itself, to the Ray that makes for disintegration of the atom, in the gaseous forces formed, and brought about the destruction in that portion of the land now presented, or represented, or called, Sargasso sea.
Pyetje: What was the date of the first destruction, estimating in our present day system of counting time in years B.C.? (A) Seven thousand five hundred (7,500) years before the final destruction, which came as has been given.
Pyetje: Please give a few details regarding the physiognomy, habits, customs and costumes of the people of Atlantis during the period just before this first destruction.
Pergjigje: These, as we find, will require their being separated in the gradual development of the body and its physiognomy as it came into being in the various portions of that land, as well as to those that would separate themselves from those peoples where there were the indwelling of peoples, or man – as man, in the various areas of the land, or what we call world.
In the matter of form, as we find, first there were those as projections from that about the animal kingdom; for the “thought” bodies gradually took form, and the various combinations (as may be called) of the various forces that called or classified themselves as gods, or rulers over – whether herds, or fowls, or fishes, etc. – in part that kingdom and part of that as gradually evolved into a physiognomy much in the form of the present day may (were one chosen of those that were, or are, the nearest representative of the race of peoples that existed in this first period as the first destructions came about).
These took on many sizes as to stature, from that as may be called the midget to the giants – for there were Giants in the earth in those days, men as tall as (what would be termed today) ten to twelve feet in stature, and in proportion – well proportioned throughout. The ones that became the most useful were those as would be classified (or called in the present) as the ideal stature, that was of both male and female (as those separations had been begun); and the most ideal (as would be called) was Adam, who was in that period when he (Adam) appeared as FIVE-IN-ONE – See?

In this the physiognomy was that of a full head, with an extra EYE – as it were – in those portions that became what is known as the EYE. In the beginning these appeared in whatever portion was desired by the body for its use!
As for the dress, those in the beginning were (and the Lord made for them coats) of the skins of the animals. These covered the parts of their person that had become, then, as those portions of their physiognomy that had brought much of the desires that made for destructive forces in their own experience; and these then were of those about them that were given as meat, or used as same – that partook of the herbs.
These were those same herbs that the seed were to have been for food for the man in self, and only those that partook of same may be called even clean – in the present day. Those that supply those same materials that are the proper building for the forces within the anatomical forces, or physiological forces, of a developing body; for these carry all the elements in their natural state. Little of minerals should ever be the properties within the system, save as may be taken through the vegetable forces, save where individuals have so laxed themselves as to require or need that which will make for an even balance of same.
Adami – Jezusi – Zoroastra
Pyetje: Does this (previous answer) mean that Jesus had been Adam?
Pergjigje: Study the Book which tells of him, Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary; (then) know this is the soul entity (Joshua) who reasoned with those who returned from captivity in those days when Nehemiah, Ezra, Zerubabel were factors in the attempts to re-establish the worship of God; and that (as) Joshua, the scribe, translated the rest of the books up to that time.
Then realize (also) that is the same entity, who, as Joshua, as the mouthpiece of Moses, who gave the law: and was the same soul entity who, in those periods of the strength and yet the weakness of Jacob in his love for Rachel, was their firstborn, Joseph.
As Zend – father of Zoroaster- this is the same entity. And this entity was that one who had manifested to father Abraham as the prince, as Melchizedek, the priest of Salem, without father and without mother, without days or years, but a living human being in flesh, made manifest in the earth from the desire of Father-God to prepare an escape for man; as was warned by the same entity, as Enoch; or, as in those days of Asapha, or Affa, in those periods when those of the Egyptian land were giving those counsels to the many nations, when there would be those saved of the physical from their own making (or doing) in the physical. Or, as the first begotten of the Father, who came as Amilius in the Atlantean land and allowed himself to be led into the ways of selfishness.(364-8) And this was also the entity Adam- and this was the spirit of Light. (5023-2)


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